Everything in moderation

2020 was the year of self-discovery for me. With more of us working from home than ever before, I know I'm not alone in this. The extra time that would usually be spent commuting has opened up new opportunities for hobbies, family and taking the dog on extra long walks.

We've had nothing but time on our hands. And if you're anything like me, isolation and lack of  stimulation was pretty much the worst thing that could happen for my mental health. Luckily, before the start of the pandemic, I was already aware of this about myself and went to lots and lots of therapy. In the time of COVID-19, teleheath therapy was a godsend.

With all of this extra time, I've been listening to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks and watching a lot of stand-up comedy. More and more, I find myself listening to and watching people talk openly and honestly about their mental health. And it's not always necessarily a serious topic - just ask any stand-up comedian who makes it their job to tell human truths to make us laugh and maybe feel less alone.

Some of us, including myself, have been lucky enough to be able to work remotely from home. I relish being on a conference call in my pajamas, and I'm not so sure I could ever go back to full-time in the office. But -- everything in moderation.

The computer that I use for work is in my living room. The sound of an email hitting my inbox evokes a Pavlovian response in me. The snacks in my kitchen end up down my throat before the day is over. The extreme lack of social interaction has made me feel more alone and isolated than ever. And maybe for some of you, that extra glass of wine each night is starting to seem like more of a problem than a good time. Everything in moderation.

I work in a field that does not discuss mental health enough. Many attorneys suffer silently, and law firms don't always practice what they preach about that elusive work/life balance. In my profession, admitting that you struggle with your mental health is like asking to be passed over for partnership. I wish we could do better, and I know that we can.

My life has been a constant state of chaos since I can remember. It's time to moderate that chaos. I'm writing this blog because I am inspired to join the conversation about these topics.

 Here are the podcasts and books that have inspired me:

I am really looking forward to be joining the conversation that so many of you are already having about the specific challenges that women (and men!) face in the workplace and beyond. I promise to be as forthcoming and honest about these topics, and I hope you'll join me along the way.


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